S4 · sensitive FOR
Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
Sensitive 4, sensitive FOR is the use of an app to have support in your pocket (on your phone or computer) as needed for coaching, questions, tips, on-going support, and in-the-moment as-you-go practical application of Sensitive Leadership in your daily life. This service can support you in knowing what you are sensitive for.
This is asynchronous work together. This means you leave a message and then at a different time you receive a response. It is not live nor is there is a daily time requirement. It is about having an on-going conversation over time that supports you in the moment you’re in, throughout your daily life wherever you may be. The intent is a back and forth that flows throughout the week and month, rather than a particular quantity of time. The timing is all based on convenience with checking in to respond. When you listen to or receive and respond to messages will be at your convenience and when your messages are received and responded to is at the convenience of others.
At a minimum, the facilitator will check in to respond once a day Monday-Friday within a 24 hour period if you have an Individual Membership (expect about 3 responses a week if you are messaging daily, with a maximum of 5) or once a week if you have a Group Membership. See below for more guidelines on length of and type of messages. For some people it is better than live work, for others live work is better. And sometimes it is useful to mix them. The Signal app used for this work can be accessed from both a device, like a smartphone or tablet, and a computer. The app provides instructions for setting it up once you download it from the app store, on both your device and your computer. And you can choose to receive notifications on your device about when messages come to you in a way that works for you.
Subscription Plans:
Individual Membership
3-5 check-ins that are one-on-one from a facilitator Monday to Friday each week
Group Membership
1 check-in from a facilitator per week with prompts and follow-up responses
unlimited responses from up to 3 other curated group members (4 people per group)
Asynchronous Timing + How it Works:
Individual Membership responses from the facilitator end up being about 3-5 times a week due to timing of when you leave a message and when the facilitator checks in to respond. If you leave a message after the facilitator has checked in for the day then they will respond the following 24 hour period when they check in. With time zone differences and schedule differences and needs differences, this will vary day by day and person by person. If you do not leave a message each day in a week, the facilitator will wait to hear from you to respond.
Group Membership responses from the facilitator are once a week. From fellow group members, there can be unlimited brief interactions. The facilitator will share a prompt each week for each group member to consider and respond to, and then each group member can follow up with other group member responses as desired. The facilitator will review all responses generally, and particularly note and review questions directed at the facilitator. The facilitator will prioritize responding to targeted questions and will also reflect on and respond to observations of group interactions and responses as a whole.
This type of work together eliminates the need for being in the same place or even the same time zone. It is better to think of this service as sharing when needed and having it all responded to as is useful for practice on a daily basis rather than getting a certain time amount of time per day or week. It also allows for a lower cost to have on-going support that is tailored to you in the moment you’re in. Some moments may have less to process and others may have more.
With the use of an app you are able to share typed messages, audio messages, video messages, images, and links. You are welcome to share as much typed information as you would like as it is easier to reference and read over in order to respond to it. If you have a lot to review, typing a message is recommended. And in that way what you share is unlimited. If it feels difficult to focus what is shared, the facilitator will work with you to find a way to focus in on the process together.
It is encouraged to limit audio and video messages so as not to make tracking content of what is shared and responding difficult. 1-2 audio/video messages at a time that are no more than 5-8 minutes in length is recommended. 15 minute and longer recorded audio messages become difficult to listen and respond to in a timely manner on a regular basis.
Each guideline is a recommendation based on experience of making the process useful and sometimes new ways to work evolve through the process. The value of this service is that you do not have to meet on a timed schedule. You do not have to share or ask something every day and it is ok to go at an organic and natural pace based on your schedule. Some days you may be busier with other things and will not share anything, and that’s ok. Other days you may have more questions and want more coaching, and that’s ok. Sometimes questions and coaching may be about work or business, relationships, health, spirituality, emotional understanding, or some combination or variation of all. All aspects of your life are relevant and related to your overall well-being and your sensory sensitivity. There is no topic that is unrelated. It is all as needed and so there is no right or wrong way to do this as long as on-going care and small actions move you toward stronger sensitivity, a stronger sense of self, and greater directedness in leading your life in a way that supports you.
If it has been a significant or unusual amount of time since your facilitator has received a message from you then they may prompt you or check in with you about that to assess needs, but there is no required or pressured amount or way to participate. Your facilitator will generally support you in guiding the conversation to your present needs and experiences. If it feels that a challenging area is being missed or the presented content could be addressed in a way that seems unrelated or related to a different content area, your facilitator will address this and encourage exploration as needed.
The way each person uses the service is and will be different over time. That is intentional. It is meant to be an intuitive, sensitive service that adapts to each person. If this mode of operating is too flexible then a more overt structure can be discussed. The facilitator tends to respond most often with audio messages to whatever you have shared as this allows for tone and feeling with their intended message, but you do not need to use any particular medium of sharing and each person will find their own rhythm with what works for them. These guidelines are shared as a starting off point knowing that all will evolve, simply to give you a sense of what this might look like so you can make an informed decision. Please ask ANY questions or share ANY concerns or feedback you have about the process before beginning as well as while working together.
Time Off + Sick Days:
The facilitator will have planned days off for vacation, as well as unexpected sick days and emergencies that may arise. If it is a planned vacation or time off, the facilitator will let you know in advance about the time off. If it is unexpected and lasts more than a day away from the app, such as an emergency or illness, the facilitator will update you as soon as possible as to the emergency and potential follow up times. Please reach out if you ever have questions about timeliness or think that something is being missed. You are welcome to share a message during time off for the facilitator to respond to when they return. You are welcome to take any day off that you need to and also to plan in vacations at any schedule you would like. The convenience of the app allows you to continue to share at any time if you prefer, even on a vacation. But you are also welcome to communicate breaks in using the app as needed.
The facilitator will be referencing and using work related to sensory sensitivity, Sensitive Leadership, the Holarchy of Subtle Needs, and the Elements of Sensitivity, or other reference materials or practices created by others, as needed. The facilitator may link you to a video recording to watch, audio recording to listen to, PDF, or other practice as a supplement to use in support of what you’re working with in the app. It’s ok to take your time with it and use it only as it is useful. Any feedback about supplemental resources is welcome and they are not meant to be seen as homework or in place of personal guidance, but rather support. There is an expectation that you are in alignment with the process of Sensitive Leadership and the practices of the Elements of Sensitivity, which is a process of strengthening sensitivity and responsiveness to stimulation while decreasing reactivity. This will not be a process of “getting rid of” or decreasing sensitivity. Though, as shifts with strengthening of sensitivity and leading your life with sensitivity happens, you may feel differences in how you work with and experience your sensory sensitivity. All of these resources are totally free to use outside of the app. Through the app, the facilitator will simply offer them in a targeted way based on their assessment of where you are in your own process and customized coaching in working with the resources. Sometimes this is exactly what you may need.
It is not expected that you know all of this work, or even much of it, it is simply expected that if you are not in alignment with strengthening and leading your life and your self honestly with your sensitivity then you may be referred elsewhere or encouraged to do your own research to come to your own conclusions before working together, if you do decide to work together. A willingness and openness to strengthening your subtle self and leading, even if it feels impossible or really really really hard, is all that is necessary. Questions, frustrations, disappointments, challenges, and real-life honesty about what’s going on with you are all totally welcome in pursuit of strengthening your sense of self, and really they are a necessary part of the process for everyone. Struggles are not separate from leading with sensitivity. Accommodations are necessary. Learning about your limits, needs, desires, and wants is a refining process that shifts over time—not a perfect process. Ability, illness, health, resources, relationships, supports, and many more aspects of our sensitive lives are all things that fluctuate and so we work with them where they are.
Monthly Structure + Payment:
Payment happens on a monthly subscription basis via credit card. You are welcome to cancel your Individual subscription any month you like or add in a Group subscription. You can tell your facilitator you would like to cancel or add or switch Individual or Group subscriptions and they can do that for you. Starting with a Group subscription is based on curating and coordination of starting dates of groups. You can restart either Individual or Group memberships at a later date if desired after stopping. Group subscriptions have a two month/8 week limit and it is expected that you plan to participate for the full 8 week duration of your group to maintain cohesion for all group members during that time period. You can decide to continue the group work for another two months once the initial two months is completed if you would like or you can stop at that time. Individual subscriptions are ongoing throughout the year.
It is recommended that you talk with your facilitator about your experience working together, any concerns you have, and support you may need as you feel ready to cancel. Your facilitator will make recommendations that take into consideration all your needs which may include emotional support, practical skills application and coaching, financial limitations, mental health needs, and sustainability that are based on what they have observed in your work together so that it can be a jointly supported process.
Aside from special exceptions, or mistakes on the facilitator’s part, no refunds are offered. If you decide to cancel your membership that month, after it is canceled electronically and payments discontinued, you will have your membership until the date that your membership would have renewed that month and then your membership on the app will cancel at that time.
If a charge does not go through your card that you entered, this will be communicated to you and you will be given a week’s time to update your card or add funds to the card on file. If the card is still declined again a week later, at that time your membership will be canceled and your facilitator will communicate this to you. If you want to restart you can simply message the facilitator on the app and they will help you get restarted.
If you would like to work with your insurance to cover this service, you can coordinate that to see what can be approved through your insurance when you reach out to get started.
Emergency Care:
This is NOT an emergency support service. If it is found that you are in need of a higher level of care than can be provided through the app and at a distance then the facilitator will recommend a higher level of care for you in conjunction with or in replacement of this work through the app. If you need emergency care please contact local services, call 988 or visit 988lifeline.org which is a suicide and crisis resource, or call 911. S4 is not an on-call service. Emergencies should be communicated to your facilitator as they happen because they are relevant to the work together, however they will be checked in with and therefore responded to in a typical time for the service and not as an emergency response in the moment.
Live Sessions:
Sometimes live sessions are useful or necessary and may be recommended in addition to or instead of asynchronous work on the app. Live sessions allow for immediate processing of questions and answers, immediacy with coaching and practicing of skills, facilitated conversations that may involve other parties (partners, parents, siblings, coworkers, friends, etc.), and other useful immediacy. If you feel you would like to set up a live session, let your facilitator know and you can schedule it together. Live sessions can be done through the app or through Zoom or over the phone, both Zoom and the app utilize encryption and confidential measures that comply with HIPAA as a means to keep your personal information private. Cost per live session can be discussed with your facilitator based on your needs.
Confidentiality + Informed Consent:
The Signal app used for this service has been carefully chosen based on security and encryption features to maintain confidentiality of information, as well as other usability features. It is expected that all participants maintain confidentiality and do not share personal information outside of the shared space within the app.
The conditions that justify the release of information revealed on the app, and by law must be reported to the appropriate agencies, are the following:
Knowledge of child abuse or neglect.
Knowledge of senior citizen abuse or neglect.
A participant poses a serious risk of suicide, and is an imminent danger to self.
A participant poses a threat of imminent danger to another person.
A judge, by issuance of a court order, may obtain information.
Report to law enforcement authorities knowledge of a felony that has been, or is being committed.
In other situations, signed authorization for release of information is required.
Communication guidelines will be shared and upheld by the facilitator within each group. Each group member has space to request and add guidelines as needed.
Some starting communication guidelines that all participants must agree to are:
Sharing in response to experiences or sharing of others is done in a declarative, neutral, self-expressive statement which identifies observations of feelings, behaviors, personal thoughts or any other observable data. “I notice I feel so sad when I hear you say ___.” “I am wishing I knew more about ___.” “I hear so much excitement in your voice when you talk about ___.” “I relate so much to what you said about ___.”
Personal sharing is done so from a needs-based style of communication which shares the intent of the person who is speaking, what they want and need through their sharing, and any limits to the sharing. “I am feeling really vulnerable right now about sharing something so personal and I would love it if you could let me know if you have had any similar experiences or heard of anyone who has had similar experiences so that I can feel more connected and learn through this vulnerability. I would rather not hear any feedback about what I shared or suggestions on what anyone thinks might help me.” “I am feeling tired this week and have been recovering from a busy week so I will be more quiet. I am here listening, thinking about, and appreciating what you are sharing.”
Shared power is the intention of the group and all communication within the group. There is an understanding that power is not distributed evenly and all group participants intend to be aware of power, name it, and share what they have of it. “I am guessing that I might be the oldest participant in the group and I don’t know about some of the cultural things the younger members are referencing. I would love to hear more about why these things feel so relevant so that I can understand better and feel more connected to the conversation.” “I notice that ___ has been really quiet throughout this discussion and I am guessing based on what they shared before about their childhood that they may not relate to what we have been talking about because they didn’t have ___. I would like to check in with them to hear how they are experiencing this.”
Agreement and consent are both explicit and implicit and happening all the time in obvious and subtle ways. As much as possible, consent and movement toward shared agreements are used as a means to share power explicitly. “I have an experience that feels similar to the one you described and I am interested to share it if you would like to hear it.” “I have a resource that I have used that helped me when I was dealing with the issue you described and I would love to share it if you are looking for resources.”
Not knowing is welcome. If you do not know what to do or say and do know that you want or need something or have a request or limit or desire, communicating whatever you can about it works. “I know I need some support right now but I don’t even know where to start.” “I am feeling really overwhelmed by what was just shared and I don’t know what to do.” “I need a minute to sit quietly.” “I’m stuck.” “I’m confused.” “Help.”
Getting Started:
1. Check out Signal, the app that is used for this service, by downloading it and trying it out.
2. Reach out through our contact form to express interest in S4 or follow up through email if you have already started a conversation with us about joining S4.
3. We will follow up with intake preparations and getting you set up with your membership.
Personal Experiences with S4:
“My experience using S4 is hard to quantify with word. I can say this: I have rarely felt so seen and understood. And I have done a lot of personal growth work with the express desire to be seen and understood.
Since our conversation is asynchronous, it allows for more breath and integration between shares on the app. I get to catch up with myself along the way, rather than have a long session in 'real time' and then take time to integrate afterwards. Leaving messages whenever also allows me to share when something is asking to be shared, rather than waiting for when we can meet in 'real time.'
I think one aspect of working with Ane [the facilitator]--which is really more than an aspect, it's a whole orientation--is that they are not just guiding me to engage with my own sensitivity in a way that helps me come alive in the dense way that my naturally transcendent self needs, they are doing it themself.
I experience Ane [the facilitator] as cultivating being in the center of themself and not leaving themself to see and feel and understand me. This makes such a difference. It's like the more they stay in the center of themself and sends a line to the center of myself, through queries and reflections and invitations, the more I can stand in the center of myself.
I've been able to share very vulnerable self-noticings via S4 that bring up shame and that few folks may understand the subtleties of. I experience Ane [the facilitator] tracking these subtleties, in a humble and curious way, a way that allows me to be in more and more rapport with old, stinky belonging and intimacy patterns. This seems to be a key to me loving myself into more and more of my essence, but my essence with density. I'm experiencing my own humanness more and more with S4 and am deeply grateful for it. “
“I appreciate the more focused, time-conscious approach. I prefer recording messages to Ane [the facilitator] and having a targeted amount of time helps me to focus on clearly articulating questions, thoughts, and feelings. Working through the app gives me time to think about what I want to say, the ability to re-listen to or re-read what Ane [the facilitator] has responded with and then how I want to respond. The app also provides a repository of answers to questions I’ve asked, whereas in traditionally structured therapy, I rarely took notes, and often would forget what was discussed, including important suggestions, solutions, and ways of moving forward.
Working asynchronously is extremely convenient, as it allows me to read, listen, and respond to messages even while my personal schedule and energy levels are in flux. It allows me to set the tempo of our work together, responding immediately if I feel like, or taking as many days as I need to process before responding. Sometimes the topics Ane [the facilitator] and I discuss together are existentially and emotionally heavy in nature and working asynchronously gives me the time I need to sit with and process difficult things, with the comfort of knowing they are right there when I’m ready to resume.
The daily, more frequent smaller interactions feel incredibly supportive to me, exponentially more so than the hassle of traditionally structured therapy. It was very hard for me when going through emotionally difficult times to have the energy to try to align schedules, book appointments, wait long periods of time to receive support and feedback, take time off from work for appointments, travel to the appointments, try to process many built up thoughts, feelings and emotions in the course of 50 mins AND give the therapist time to respond. Working with Ane [the facilitator] through the app is convenient AND much more effective for me in addressing and resolving issues in my life than traditionally structured therapy.
In addition to the functional nature of working through the app, as a highly sensory sensitive therapy client, it is very easy to become emotionally flooded or overwhelmed when processing difficult problems or life situations, and while it can be very cathartic to have another person witness and acknowledge your emotions in person, Ane [the facilitator] is so keenly able to read between the lines of notes and messages and their responses, whether written or recorded, are so incredibly comforting in their ability to distill, refine, and organize and suggest functional approaches to what is happening in my life. I feel so seen, heard, understood, and supported by our work together that their physical presence is truly not necessary (although I do hope to meet and thank them in person one day!)”
“I had been following Ane's [the facilitator’s] work for some time and benefitting tremendously from it, learning to strengthen my own sensitivity. Before that, I hadn't known how fully I could honor my sensitivity, let alone strengthen it. I hadn't dreamed of being able to work one-on-one with them since they live in an entirely different part of the country. But when they offered an opportunity to work with them via a messaging app, I leaped immediately. Not only is it completely affordable, but in my experience it also allows for more ease and flexibility than a traditional therapy setup.
Working with Ane [the facilitator] in this way has been just right for me. I've worked with them via the individual plan for a time, and now I'm doing the group plan. When I first signed up with Ane [the facilitator], I was dealing with a lot of anxiety and stress and had so much come up at once that having the daily plan and ‘support in my pocket’ was a lifesaver. With the daily plan, I could type or record any thoughts or questions as they came up throughout the day. It was a concentrated time of learning and applying and practicing and unraveling all the pieces.
Now I use the weekly plan, and that's beneficial for me in that I have space throughout the week to work out what we had previously discussed. Typing out my thoughts and questions in writing usually helps me to process better, but sometimes I use audio if I want to quickly brain-dump and describe what's going on. Weekly or daily, using this asynchronous app to work with Ane [the facilitator] has been ideal for me. I'm not one to ‘think on my toes’, and this format allows me to process my thoughts and think through everything at my leisure. And hearing back from Ane [the facilitator] and their reflections and feedback, with the benefit of going back over what they said whenever I need to hear it again, gives me time to process and remember and apply what I'm learning and practicing. For me, it's the best way to have therapy!
Actually, I can't imagine working with anyone else as I'm learning to strengthen my sensitivity and grow as a whole person. It's been a lifesaver for me to discover this work and their unique perspective on being a sensory sensitive person and artist. I had aha-moment after aha-moment as I learned what Ane [the facilitator] shared online and finally being able to work with them one-on-one has allowed me to have their direct feedback on all the aspects of my life and personhood that I have felt distant from and at odds with for most of my life. Ane [the facilitator] really ‘gets’ me; it's a great relief to be finally understood and to begin to understand myself better. Rather than judging or telling me what to do, Ane [the facilitator] gently assists me in leading myself and trusting myself. I'm starting to discover the power that I have within me, my sensitivity, and intuition; and I'm learning what it means to grow stronger. Ane [the facilitator] is warm, personal, and affirming, and their life of sensitivity as an example influences me and helps me to grow in my own strength and independence. Others, especially those closest to me, have commented on the changes in me since working with Ane [the facilitator]. I can't recommend them enough!”
“I have loved working with Ane [the facilitator] on this app. Before I was only able to go so far meeting therapists and others self improvement and wellness coaches on a monthly and weekly basis. Before it was like I had to dash out of work to make an appointment, and because of being in a hurry I would sometimes forget what it was I was going to say and become scatter-brained as to why my life was the way that it was and how to move forward. It also felt like before I was saying the same thing over and over again and then my time was up.
Working with Ane [the facilitator] on this app has allowed me to express myself on a daily basis (extremely important for me as I was not heard or listened to as a child), and at any hour of the day. This has helped, even though they only respond once a day, as it always feels like they are there for me even though it is just an app. And then when I am having a moment where I am triggered or processing something, it gives me a safe place to release and get it out in the moment!
Because of Ane’s [the facilitator’s] total acceptance of me and support almost daily, it has allowed me to express more of who I am and to work past and through many of my self worth issues. Especially as a guy that doesn’t take the time to journal. The difference is being able to take my time getting out my thoughts, my heart and my soul and expressing myself in a way that I wasn’t able to in my younger years, and to actually go deep to the core of it all. That’s close to 260 days a year vs. 52 times if I was meeting once a week. And I have never even met them face to face!
Being able to work with Ane [the facilitator] on a daily basis has allowed me to establish a sense of trust back into my life. And I would consider them a best friend even though we always make it about me! Lol
It also gives you something to work towards on a daily basis. Everyday you are thinking, what am I going to write? And it is me giving myself permission to go deeper because I want to share with this person that hears me and accepts me something more. And I get a healthier sense of self and accomplishment afterwards.
Ane’s [the facilitator’s] unwavering support has made a deep impact on me. They always have my back no matter how intense the situation has been for me and any advice has come from this place of complete support and acceptance.
I have always been going toward healing, however working with Ane [the facilitator] on a daily basis has shortened the time it may have taken me! Just because I feel loved, heard and a sense of wholeness on a regular basis!”